21 March 2013

Justice is Done

Who would recognize her now? Raped, forced to change colour not just owner...over a year and a half away from her owner. And then, fate gets in the way. Koper Toni is the man I need to thank. Not just a brother, more like an extension of me, at times.

Yes guys, it's her: my stolen bike.

19 March 2013

Muja Bela

O Muja bela, Muja reale,
de nove cose la se pol lodare:
el bel castelo che fa la vardia al mare, e le saline che fasseva sale; Al porto belo ghe xe un bel spedale, che in tuta l'Istria no ghe xe l'uguale: e po' vissino ghe xe la purtissa, che porà ciamar Muja nuvissa. A la porta granda xe una bela insegna,
che xe San Marco, e Dio ne lo mantegna; A San Francesco ghe xe una funtana, che porò ciamar Muja sovrana; In piassa granda ghe xe un bel stendardo, che de belessa 'l porto 'l pomo d'oro, e po' la cesa de San Zuan e Polo,
che de belessa la val un tesoro.

The New Furnace

Adieu to The Furnace, blessing for The New Furnace. A good cleaning at the glass is an excellent starting point.

Tokyo Fixed London

I was supposed to have at least a good couple hours to stroll down oxford street in tranquility and visit Tokyo Fixed London with plenty of time. But what should have been normal work interviews ending at 5pm turned into a neverending flow of words which wasn't over until 7:15pm...15 minutes to walk to the shop, have a look, and watch it close...

I made it, enjoyed it, and was able to buy me a cap and some good, resistant toestraps.

22 February 2013

The Fall

Never seen the Prof fall from the bike. I remember once, he popped out when we were beginning to get worried about where the fuck he had gone, with a bleading bruise on his leg and a good dose of adrenaline in his eyes, a sign that the fall he had just experienced had been a frightening one...this time it was just huge laughs and more importantly I caught it on film!

06 February 2013


When stupidity is praised...thanks London Courier Emergency Fund.

04 February 2013

Cinelli MASH Il Prof Special Edition

The question is: who's gonna stop him? Now he's got acceleration too. And a fucking big smile on his face...

The Road to Alba

Take me on your roads. Let me ride your bike. Slowly by my side, smile as you enjoy it. Smile as I enjoy you. Take me on your roads. Let me ride your bike. I'll leave it in your hands. It's yours the way I am.


...This one's quite funny, I shot a couple Sundays ago at The Furnace. Koper Toni bought himself a flaming new Vigorelli frame, which we mounted (we're butchers, not mechanics...) in an afternoon. "Macinelleria" is a blend of Cinelli and Macelleria ( = Butcher). If you watch the video you'll understand, we slayed the beed...

Details Extended

This is another one...


I haven't been posting for a while...December's been a bus day, our critterium has been put on hold due to weather conditions and we'll start talking about it again soon I hope. Meanwhile though I've been filiming a little. This is one of the results.